eBSL WVT is the Digital Platform supporting programme implementation for Transforming Household Resilience in Vulnerable Environments (THRIVE 2030) Programme in Tanzania.

eBSL WVT is supporting the THRIVE ecosystem for the following through;

1) Empowered World View for optimization of the Digital Platform Software for households’ digitization, EWV trainees’ documentation, training materials digitization, training reports and impact data reporting

2) Savings for Transformation (S4T) training materials digitization, training reports and impact data collection e.g., asset acquisition, group activities

3) Local Value Chain Development (LVCD) and Inclusive Market Sytems Development (iMSD) for private sector partnerships, market information systems, buyer digitization, Climate Smart Agriculture (CAS) progress, technology adoption data, buyer engagement, trade tracking and net incomes documentation.

4) Finance Accelerating Saving Group Transformation (FAST) financial literacy training materials digitization and training reports

5) Cross cutting components which include GESI approaches and child protection.

6) Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is embdedded into the platform to constribute towards real time information from the field and partners.